Do You Need To Pass The MBLEx Massage Certification Exam?

Future massage therapists and massage therapy graduate students often struggle with passing the national certification exam, the MBLEX. The MBLEX is a certification test is an exam that all future massage therapy body workers must pass before the can obtain their licensure. Most of the 50 states now accept the MBLEX over the NCETEMB to suffice for getting licensed. Its the test thats most popular and one that can also be the most difficult to pass.

I suggest you prepare yourself for this test or you simply will not pass. So many students go into this thinking without the proper review they will simply pass without preparation. Very few therapist’s have actually passed without the proper steadfast tutoring that is required. Its a 125 question exam, which you have 2 and a half hours to take, with the fee of $195.00 per each time you take it.

My advice is to take it as soon as possible before what you have learned leaves your brain. While waiting to take it I also would advise you get a study book, go over your old notes, or use an online study guide. An online study guide really is best due to the fact that the exam is taken on a computer and by doing so it gives you the online feel that you will already be familiar with comes exam time. Get a another therapist to go in with you and split the cost and bounce practice tests or exams off eachother. You can also use practice exams and guides that will prepare you to pass your exam. I have seen way too many people simply waste time and money by not preparing before hand. You will save yourself a lot of grief, money, and time by simply doing so. Massage therapy is a wonderful thing and the sooner you get involved the sooner we can benefit from this wonderful profession and the health benefits.

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